From the Child,s Gazetteer of St. Lawrence County.
Adner, Gardner, Shingle Creek, Farmer, 70, Leases of E. Jacobs.
Albro, Henry R., Somerville, Justice of the peace and farmer.
Allen, Wm, Rossie, Miller and town clerk.
Apple, Harrison, Rossie, Farmer.
Austen, Charles , Rossie, Farmer.
Austin, Aquila, Rossie, Farmer.
Backus, David, Rossie, Saw Mill.
Backus, Geo. , Rossie, Dealer in dry goods, groceries, hats, caps, boots, shoes, hardware, drugs, paints etc; post master & justice of the peace.
Backus, Levi, Rossie, Blacksmith & constable.
Bacon, Hiram H., Rossie, Farmer.
Bacon, Wilfred, Rossie, Farmer.
Baker, T. H., Rossie, Farmer.
Baker, W. P., Rossie, Supt of mines and farmer.
Barker, B. F., Somerville, Farmer.
Barker, Wm, Somerville, Farmer.
Beadle, Norris, Oxbow, Jefferson County, Farmer.
Beers, Eugene, Rossie, Wagon Maker.
Bell, Chandler, Shingle Creek, Station agent and telegraph operator, Keenes Station.
Bell, E., Shingle Creek, Shoemaker.
Bellinger, Adam P., Somerville, Prop of Somerville Hotel.
Berrey, John, Rossie, Farmer.
Berry, James, Rossie, Farmer.
Bishop, Alonzo H., Oxbow, Jefferson County, Farmer.
Bishop, David Jr., Rossie, Miller in Saw Mill.
Bolton, Charles S., Wegatchie, Mason.
Bolton, James H. & J, Wegatchie, Flouring Mill.
Bolton, L. C., Wegatchie, Saw, shingle and cheese mills.
Bostwick, W. B., Rossie, Saw Mill.
Bostwick, Emerson, Rossie, Dealer in dry goods, notions and stock.
Branaugh, Archibald, Rossie, Farmer.
Brown, Alexander, Oxbow, Jefferson County, Farmer.
Brown, Cornelius F., Oxbow, Jefferson County, Farmer.
Brown, Robert C., Oxbow, Jefferson County, Farmer.
Brown, Silas W., Shingle Creek, Lime kiln and farmer.
Brown, Wm, Oxbow, Jefferson County, Farmer.
Brownar, John, Shingle Creek, Farmer.
Burney, Martin P., Somerville, Carriage Maker.
Burnham, Chas, Rossie, Farmer.
Burnham, Harriet, Rossie, Farmer.
Burns, Christopher, Rossie, Farmer.
Burns, Wm, Rossie, Farmer.
Buttler, James, Rossie, Farmer.
Buttler, Patrick, Rossie, Farmer.
Buttler, Wm, Rossie, Farmer.
Cadwell, Rowland P., Rossie, Lumberman and farmer.
Cameron, James, Rossie, Farmer.
Carr, Wm H., Wegatchie, Carpenter.
Carroll, Walter, Rossie, Miner and Farmer.
Chisholm, Geo. , Oxbow, Jefferson County, Farmer.
Church, Daniel, Wegatchie, Woolen Mills and Farmer.
Clark, Alex , Oxbow, Jefferson County, Farmer.
Clark, John H., Oxbow, Jefferson County, Inspector of election and farmer.
Clark, P., Shingle Creek, Farmer.
Clute, James, Somerville, Cooper and Farmer.
Collins, Daniel, Rossie, Farmer.
Collins, Samuel J., Rossie, Farmer.
Conlin, Geo. , Rossie, Farmer.
Craig, John, Wegatchie, Boarding House.
Cross, Anthony, Rossie, Farmer.
Crossman, Sylvester, Wegatchie, Farmer.
Crowley, P.M., Somerville, Carriage Manuf. And inspector of elections.
Culbertson, James, Oxbow, Jefferson County, Farmer.
Culbertson, Thomas, Oxbow, Jefferson County, Farmer.
Cumming, Chas S., Wegatchie, Late Fell & Cumming.
Dann, Rev. H. W., Rossie, Pastor of M. E. Church.
Dasnah, Peter, Rossie, Jeweler and Shoemaker.
Davids, John, Rossie, Farmer.
Day, Wm W., Wegatchie, Farmer.
Dickson, Alex A., Oxbow, Jefferson County, Farmer.
Dickson, Alex L., Oxbow, Jefferson County, Farmer.
Dickson, John, Oxbow, Jefferson County, Farmer.
Dimon, James, Shingle Creek, Wagon Maker.
Dodds, Michael, Rossie, Farmer.
Donnelley, Patrick, Rossie, Farmer.
Dority, John, Rossie, Farmer.
Draper, L. G., Shingle Creek, Draper & Sprague; Postmaster.
Drummond, James, Rossie, Farmer.
Drury, Daniel, Rossie, Carpenter and Farmer.
Dugan, Richard, Rossie, Farmer.
Dulack, Michael, Rossie, Peddler of dry goods and notions.
Dulack, Michael, Rossie, Farmer.
Dupont, David, Rossie, Miner and Farmer.
Elliot , Edwin, Rossie, Carpenter.
Elliott, Thomas, Oxbow, Jefferson County, Assessor and Farmer.
, Ellsworth, C. E. , Rossie, Miller.
Emmons, Chancy, Somerville, Dairyman & farmer.
Emmons, E. W., Somerville, Farmer.
Fackney, Daniel, Rossie, Collector and Farmer.
Falin, Daniel, Rossie, Mason and Farmer.
Faloy, John, Rossie, Farmer.
Fell, Wm, Wegatchie, General Merchant.
Ferguson, Ezra, Wegatchie, Blacksmith.
Fleming, Geo, Oxbow, Jefferson County, Farmer.
Fleming, John, Oxbow, Jefferson County, Farmer.
Fleming, Wm, Oxbow, Jefferson County, Blacksmith & Farmer.
Fleming, Wm Jr., Oxbow, Jefferson County, Farmer.
Fletcher, Edward, Rossie, Farmer.
Freeman, Chauncey, Somerville, Cheese factory and farmer.
Gillett, Eben, Shingle Creek, Farmer.
Gillmore, , Shingle Creek, Farmer.
Gorden, Stephen, Rossie, Farmer.
Gordon, Obed, Rossie, Farmer.
Graves, Elijah B., Oxbow, Jefferson County, Farmer.
Grothier, Edward, Shingle Creek, Blacksmith.
Hagen, John, Rossie, Farmer.
Hall, Isabell, Rossie, Farmer.
Hall, Robert, Rossie, Commissioner of Highways.
Hall, Wm, Rossie, Farmer.
Harder, Eugene A., Rossie, Cheese maker and Farmer.
Harder, James, Rossie, Farmer.
Harland, Henry, Somerville, Farmer.
Haskins, Thomas, Rossie, Farmer.
Hazelton, Thomas, Rossie, Farmer.
Helpin, Edward, Rossie, Farmer.
Hill, Andrew, Wegatchie, Farmer.
Hill, David, Wegatchie, Farmer.
Hill Estate, , Wegatchie.
Hill, Robert, Wegatchie, Farmer.
Hornbrook, J. H., Shingle Creek, Blacksmith.
Howard, Harrison, Somerville, Farmer.
Howe, Edgar, Shingle Creek, Rake Manuf and Farmer.
Hunter, George, Rossie, Farmer.
Hunter, James, Rossie, Lime burner and Farmer.
Hunter, James Jr., Rossie, Lime burner and Farmer.
Hutchinson, Franklin, Shingle Creek, Farmer.
Hutchinson, Orville, Shingle Creek, Carpenter and Farmer.
Jepsom, George, Rossie, Farmer.
Jepson, Ansel, Rossie, Horse dealer and farmer>
Johnson, J. B. , Somerville, Post Master.
Jones, David, Rossie, Farmer.
Keltz, J. , Rossie, Farmer.
Kendall, William C., Somerville, Wagon Maker.
Kinne, Daniel, Somerville, Farmer.
Kinne, Daniel Jr., Somerville, Farmer.
Laidlow, Andrew, Rossie, Supt of plank road, stock dealer and farmer.
Laidlow, George, Oxbow, Jefferson County, Farmer.
Laidlow, James, Wegatchie, Farmer.
Laidlow, John, Rossie, Hotel keeper and farmer.
Lamb, Jason, Somerville, Farmer.
Lawton, E. M., Shingle Creek, Prop Lawton Hotel, Keenes Station.
Leonard, W. W., Rossie, Dry goods, groceries, drugs, Yankee notions, etc.
Leonard, Wm W., Rossie, Justice of the peace.
Lewis, C. M., Somerville, Music Teacher.
Lewis, Patrick, Rossie, Miner and Farmer.
Lihan, Patrick, Rossie, Farmer.
Lockie, Andrew, Rossie, Farmer.
Lockie, James, Wegatchie, Overseer of the poor and farmer.
Lockie, John, Rossie, Farmer.
Maloy, Thomas, Wegatchie, Farmer.
Manning, Levi H., Rossie, Farmer.
Markwick, Robert, Oxbow, Jefferson County, Farmer.
Markwick, Stephen, Oxbow, Jefferson County, Farmer.
Markwick, Wm, Oxbow, Jefferson County, Farmer.
Marsau, James, Rossie, Farmer.
Marshall, James, Somerville, Farmer.
Martin, Edward, Rossie, Farm Laborer.
Martin, Mrs. John, Rossie, Farmer.
Martin , M. N., Somerville, Gardener.
McAlister, J. R., Rossie, Carriage Maker.
McAnally, Arthur, Rossie, Farmer.
McDougall, John, Oxbow, Jefferson County, Cooper.
McFalls, David, M.D., Rossie, Coroner, physician and surgeon.
McGreevy, Hugh, Rossie, Farmer.
McIntosh, James W., Wegatchie, McIntosh & Wright.
McLaren, Alexander, Rossie, Wagon maker & farmer.
McMullin, Michael, Rossie, Farmer.
McRobbie, James, Oxbow, Jefferson County, Stone mason & farmer.
McRobbie, James Jr., Oxbow, Jefferson County, Farmer.
Mills, James, Rossie, Blacksmith.
Mills, Thomas, Oxbow, Jefferson County, Blacksmith and keeper of toll gate.
Mitchell, Daniel H., Oxbow, Jefferson County, Farmer.
Mitchell, George, Oxbow, Jefferson County, Farmer.
Mitchell, Lewis H., Somerville, Carriage painter and farmer.
Molery, John, Oxbow, Jefferson County, Farmer.
Morgan, John B., Somerville, Prop and supt of mines.
Murphy, Edward, Rossie, Shoemaker.
Murphy, John, Wegatchie, Miner.
Murphy, Thomas, Rossie, Farmer.
Myres, John, Shingle Creek, Farmer.
Myres, Wm R., Somerville, Farmer.
Nash, S. L., Somerville, Blacksmith.
Nelson, Alexander, Rossie, Farmer.
Northup, Daniel, Rossie, Farmer>
O'Brien, J. W. , Oxbow, Jefferson County, Manuf. Of white marble lime and farmer.
O'Connell, Dennis, Rossie, Farmer.
O'Connell, Timothy, Rossie, Farmer.
O'Hara, Frank, Rossie, Farmer.
O'Lary, Michael, Rossie, Farmer.
Ormiston, George, Oxbow, Jefferson County, Farmer.
Patterson, H. , Rossie, Manuf. Of potash.
Patterson, Oliver, Rossie, Retired.
Patterson, Oliver Jr., Rossie, Prop of saw mill and ashery, lumberman, grocer and farmer
Patton, Andrew H., Rossie, Farmer>
Patton, Thomas, Rossie, Tin peddler and farmer>
Pebbles, John, Shingle Creek, Blacksmith.
Petrie, Wm H., Wegatchie, Prop of Wegatchie Hotel.
Phalen, Lauranca, Rossie, Farmer.
Pike, Adam, Shingle Creek, Farmer.
Pike, Adam Jr., Shingle Creek, Wagon maker and Farmer.
, Pike, C. W., Somerville, Farmer.
Pike, Loren, Somerville, Farmer.
Pike, Solon, Shingle Creek, Cheese Factory.
Pound, Patrick, Rossie, Miner and Farmer.
Prosser, Wm P., Rossie, Cabinet maker and farmer.
Race, Landen, Shingle Creek, Farmer.
Rennalds, Erastus, Oxbow, Jefferson County, Farmer.
Robb, James, Rossie, Sewing machine agent.
Robb, Mrs. James, Rossie, Milliner and dress maker.
Robb, John, Rossie, Farmer.
Robb, Wm, Rossie, Farmer.
Robinson, Gardner B., Rossie, Farmer.
Robinson, James, Rossie, Farmer.
Robinson, Rev. Wm M., Rossie, Pastor of Presbyterian Church.
Rogers, Robert, Wegatchie, Farm Laborer.
Rossiter, Moses, Rossie, Farmer.
Rowley, D., Shingle Creek, Shoemaker.
Russell, Martin, Rossie, Cooper and Farmer.
Schemehorn, Mary, Shingle Creek, Milliner and dress maker.
Scott, Albert A., Somerville, Carriage ironer.
Scott, George, Rossie, Mason.
Seaman, Charles, Somerville, Shoemaker.
Shaw, Samuel, Wegatchie, Farmer.
Shea, Michael O., Rossie, Tailor and Farmer.
, Shephard, Edgar, Wegatchie, Painter.
Shephard, Truman, Wegatchie, Wagon maker and constable.
Shepherd, T. D., Wegatchie, Blacksmith and Mail carrier.
Shippie, Henry, Shingle Creek, Farmer.
Shippie, Nathan, Shingle Creek, Farmer.
Simons, Alfred, Rossie, Farmer.
Simons, Daniel, Rossie, Blacksmith.
Simons, Wm, Rossie, Miller and Farmer.
Smith, Geo. W., Rossie, Carpenter and farmer.
Smith, James C., Rossie, Cooper.
Sprague, D. W., Shingle Creek, Draper & Sprague; Deputy post master.
Sprague, Joel, Shingle Creek, Farmer.
Spratt, Patrick, Rossie, Shoemaker, overseer of the poor, and farmer.
Stacy, Isaac W., Somerville, Dealer in Dry goods, groceries, hats, caps, boots, shoes.
Steel, George, Shingle Creek, Farmer, 100.
Stevenson, James, Rossie, Farmer.
Storie, Kennedy, Wegatchie, Dairyman and Farmer.
Storie, Thomas, Oxbow, Jefferson County, Farmer.
Stowell, Solomon, Shingle Creek, Saw mill and Farmer.
Sullivan, L., Rossie, Farmer.
Summerville, John, Rossie, Farmer.
Sweet, David , Shingle Creek, Cooper.
Tait, Geo G., Oxbow, Jefferson County, Carpenter.
Tait, Robert, Oxbow, Jefferson County, Carpenter & Farmer.
Tait, Walter, Wegatchie, Farmer.
Taitt, John G., Oxbow, Jefferson County, Farmer.
Teall, Elias, Wegatchie, Dealer in stock and farmer.
Temple, Wilkinson, Shingle Creek, Farmer.
Tennant, Richard, Rossie, Shingle mill, assessor and farmer.
Tierney, Lawrence, Rossie, Farmer.
Tinney, Clark, Shingle Creek, Farmer.
Tinney, Samuel, Shingle Creek, Farmer.
Turnbull, Adam, Oxbow, Jefferson County, Farmer.
Turnbull, Alex, Oxbow, Jefferson County, Farmer.
Turnbull, Dean S., Wegatchie, Sawyer and Farmer.
Turnbull, James H., Wegatchie, Millwright.
Turnbull, Thomas (deceased), Wegatchie, Justice of the peace, prop of saw and shingle mills, and farmer.
Turnbull, Thomas A., Oxbow, Jefferson County, Supervisor and farmer.
Turnbull, Thomas P., Wegatchie, Painter.
Turnbull, Wm, Rossie, Farmer.
Vandusen, Asel, Rossie, Gate tender and farmer.
VanNess, Jeremiah, Shingle Creek, Farmer.
Vanornum, James, Wegatchie, Farmer.
Wait, Curtis, Oxbow, Jefferson County, Farmer.
Ward, J., Rossie, Farmer.
Watson, Owen, Rossie, Jobber and Farmer.
Webster, Geo V., Rossie, Lumberman & farmer.
Webster, Samuel B., Rossie, Lumberman, sawyer, and farmer.
Wetmore, Harrison, Wegatchie, Dairyman and Farmer.
Wilcox, Gilbert, Oxbow, Jefferson County, Farmer.
Witt, Charles, Somerville, Carpet weaver and constable.
Wood, Rev. Cyrus V., Rossie, Teacher, local preacher, bookseller and insurance agent.
Wood, Wm, Rossie, Farmer.
, Wright, I. E., Somerville, Cheese Maker and School Teacher.
Wright, John W., Wegatchie, McIntosh & Wright; carpenter, joiner and Farmer,